
魏國辰 趙明鳳:我國鋼鐵物流園區發展現狀和對策研究

2013年11月30日18:28 | 中國發展門戶網 www.chinagate.cn | 給編輯寫信 字號:T|T
關鍵詞: 鋼鐵物流園區 盈利模式 鋼聯網


魏國辰 趙明鳳

(北京物資學院研究生部,北京物資學院商學院 101149)

摘 要:國民經濟的持續快速發展帶動鋼鐵行業的發展,進而拉動了對鋼鐵物流的需求,為滿足鋼鐵行業對鋼鐵物流的需求,鋼鐵物流逐步向大型化和專業化轉變,鋼鐵物流園區應運而生。鋼鐵物流園區作為現代鋼鐵物流的重要載體,對轉變鋼鐵物流的發展方式,加快行業轉型升級具有重要作用,但鋼鐵物流園區還處于發展轉型期,仍存在很多不足之處。本文在總結鋼鐵物流園區發展現狀的基礎上,分析了現階段園區存在投資大、回收周期長,基礎設施和信息化程度低,盈利模式單一,“圈地”現象頻發等問題,針對這些問題提出創新經營管理,優化基礎設施和信息化建設,豐富園區盈利模式,加大政府引導等對策建議,希望能促進我國鋼鐵物流園區的健康快速地發展。

關鍵字:鋼鐵物流園區 盈利模式 鋼聯網

Research on the Development Status and Countermeasures of China's Iron and Steel Logistics Park

Wei Guochen1, Zhao Mingfeng2

(School of business of Beijing Wuzi University Department of postgraduate of Beijing Wuzi University 101149)

Abstract: The sustained and rapid development of the national economy drives the development of iron and steel industry, and then pulls the steel logistics demand. In order to meet the demands of modern iron and steel industry, modern logistics of iron and steel continue to transform to a large scale and specialization, the iron and steel logistics park emerges as the times require. As an important carrier of the modern iron and steel logistics, the iron and steel logistics park plays an important role in the transformation of development mode of iron and steel logistics industry and speeding the transformation and upgrading of iron and steel logistics industry. Iron and steel logistics park is still in the transition period, there are still some problems in the construction and development. Based on the analysis of the current situation of the development of iron and steel logistics park, this paper summarizes the existing problem of the present stage of iron and steel logistics park, such as large investment, long recovery period, low degree of infrastructure and information technology, the single profit model, the frequent phenomenon of "enclosure" problems, In light of these problems, this paper puts forward some suggestions, such as the innovation management, optimizing infrastructure and information construction, rich park profit model, increasing government guiding countermeasures, hoping to promote the rapid and healthy development of iron and steel logistics park in China.

Keywords: iron and steel logistics park profit model internet of steel


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