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About Jilin(關于吉林)
中國發展門戶網 www.chinagate.cn  2009 年 08 月 03 日 
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Automobile industry: Jilin is the cradle of China’s automobile industry. As a symbol of the national automobile industry, Changchun First Auto Works has a fixed asset of more than 50 billion Yuan. The products have six series, and more than 550 kinds of different type, such as heavy-duty, middle-duty, light-duty, subminiature-duty, car, and passenger car. Now it has already become a modern production, scientific research, and sale base with the biggest scale, the most various productions, and advanced technology in the Chinese automobile industry. The core of building an automobile base is: depending, supporting, and serving the FAW, speeding up the development automobile industry, expanding the entire vehicle scale, enhancing the ability of necessary accessories, promoting automobile trade and service, and trying to form an automobile industry base with international competitive power. In 2006,FAW sold 625500 automobiles,up 21.39% over the same period of last year, realized the gross industrial value RMB 122.2 billion Yuan, up 21.73%, and the industrial added value RMB 32 billion Yuan, up 28.17%, the profit 2.75 billion Yuan, up 51.3%, the total tax and profit payment went up to RMB 10.26 billion Yuan, 28.17% higher. In 2006, the gross industrial value of FAW occupied 25.9% of Jilin province and 57.5% Changchun municipality. In 2005, in the southwest of the Changchun city, Jilin provincial automobile industry development zone was set up, with a total area of more than 100 sq km. Now it has been an important platform to develop theJilin provincial automobile industry.

The petroleum chemical industry: Jilin’s petroleum chemical industry, primarily based on Jilin Oil-field and Jilin chemical industry, is one of the most important petroleum chemical industrial bases in China. The Jilin Petrol-chemistry Group is a famous large-scale and a biggest chemical industry enterprises in China. During the 11th five-year period, Jilin will take the Jilin Chemical Plant and the Jilin Oil-field as the main item, and optimize the structure, expand the scale, and enhance the benefits of the enterprises. We are thus developing the fine chemical, the high performance compound material and special material, improving the proportion of processed products, changing the long-time-formed structure of the basic industrial chemicals base products, and constructing an important domestic comprehensive petroleum chemical industry. In 2005, the petroleum and gas exploitation industry accomplished the values 8 billion Yuan, up 4.33 billion Yuan over the previous year, 1.2 times. The contribution rate was 57.9 percent for provincial industrial profit.

Cultivate the agricultural product processing industry to a pillar industry. Jilin is a major agricultural province with fertile soil, rich resources, and superior environment. The province will depend on the rich agricultural product resources and the ecological superiority to speed up the development of the three main industry, that is the corn economy, the corn’s and soybean’s profound processing industry, the poultry, milk profound processing industry, and the Changbai mountain’s ecology foods industry. Jilin province is lengthening the industrial chain, carrying out the standardization, constructing the ecotype green agricultural products processing base, and constructing the third pillar industry as the agricultural product processing industry. At present, Changchun Corn Industry Development Zone has begun to construct, and planed to build a world’s biggest corn and agricultural product deep processing region with 100 billion RMB incomes every year. Jilin province has formed corn industry group with the Dacheng group, Sailishida Group, Huanglong Group and Tianhe Group as the driving force. Jilin also has ten industrial groups of farm produce processing, such as the industrial group of poultry, beef, pork, rice and so on. Now Jilin province has more than 2600 industrial management organizations of agriculture, with 52 billion Yuan capital asserts and more than 4600 farm produce processing enterprises. Jilin province use 320 non-pollution sign, 142 kinds of organic products and 839 kinds of non-pollution farm produces. We confirmed 501 non-pollution farm producing areas, with an area of 25 million hectares. In 2006, the general production value of the agricultural product processing industry achieved 125,000,000,000 Yuan, and it has already made his contribution as same as the two big industries of automobile and chemical in Jilin province.

Modern Chinese Medicine and biological drugs manufacture industry: Jilin Province is rich in resources of Chinese Medicine. The Changbai Mountains were called “the world biology gene bank”, and has a reputation of one of the three major medicine gene banks. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the key industries among Jilin’s economy. There are 219 medicine production enterprises with a gross asset of more than 18.9 billion Yuan. Among them, the Jilin Aodong Group, Tonghua Dongbao Group, Jilin Xiuzheng Group, and Changchun Haiwang enjoyed a high reputation in domestic and international medicine industries. Jilin’s medicine industry has developed into a “tripod stood” region center including the Tonghua medicine city, Yanbian Aodong medicine city, and Changchun Chinese traditional medicine and biological drug manufacture industry garden. The province possessed two industrial belts: “Changchun-Tonghua-Baishan” and “Changchun-Jilin-Yanbian”. Depending on the advantages of the Changbai mountains’ north medicine resources and the biotechnology, Jilin focused the strength on self-research and development ability, comprehensively finish the rebuilding of the GMP enterprises, and the fully development of the modern medicine industry and the biological drugs manufacture industry. We also expanded the Tonghua, Dunhua medicine city, constructed the Changchun, Jilin medicine industrial garden, and the ten drugs manufacturing groups, like Jilin Xiuzheng, Tonghua Dongbao, Yanbian Aodong, and Changsheng Genes. In this year, Jilin developed 50 new medicines with independent intellectual property. In 2005, the production value of the Chinese traditional medicine industry was 15 billion Yuan, including 10 billion Yuan from Chinese medicine and 5 billion Yuan from Chinese medicine materials. To 2010, the sale income of the medicine industry in Jilin Province will arrived above 50,000,000,000 Yuan.

High-tech industry and photoelectron information industry: Jilin Province is the seedbed of our nation’s optic enterprises, and has a reputation of “optics base”. Now, the province has formed an industrial system with the photoelectron products, the liquid-crystal displays, the new primary devices, the automobile’s electronic products and the computer application software as leading products, and has its certain industrial scale and technological innovation competence. Jilin Even has possessed the biggest entity of photoelectron coder production and the biggest photoelectron product processing enterprise. The software industry also achieved a magnificent development. It has developed a pattern with the Changchun Software Garden, the Jilin Software as its research base, the Jilin University, Northeast Normal University as the technological support, and the First Auto Words’ Qiming as the key software enterprises. In 2005, the province had finished a gross financial income of 12.4 billion Yuan on the electronic information products manufacturing industry and the software industry, and achieved 12 billion Yuan revenue. To 2010, the sale income of the electronic information product manufacturing industry will achieve 24,000,000,000 Yuan, the yearly average increase rate will be 53%, the added value will be 7,200,000,000 Yuan, the yearly average increase rate will be 45%. In the future, Jilin will take Changchun’s national photo-electron industry base as the core, exert the information technology’s leading function and the industrial foundation, and prioritize the photo-electron information and software industry, the new-type material industry, and the modern agricultural technology, thus form a domestic leading high-tech research, development, production and manufacturing industry.

來源: 中國發展門戶網
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